Monday, July 20, 2009

The Cheapest Laptop stand so far!

I've been searching for cheap ways to come up with an effective laptop stand, versus buying one for $50+, which is even hard to do as they hardly exist around town! I've seen a number of LifeHacker articles talking about all the different ways you can build your own, and one in particular seemed good, it was some cheap Ikea CD rack that you cut a few pieces off and it would fit perfectly, although it didn't exist on the website anymore, so goodluck with that one.

Anyways, on to the actual stand! Total cost? $2 + tax.
While cruising the Dollarama with my girlfriend, I noticed these little wireframe picture/decorative plate/item stands, for a dollar each, and they came in black and silver.

I purchased 3, only needed to use 2, and despite how flimsy they look, they actually are quite sturdy, gives a slight bounce, and are almost already at the perfect angle! No need to bend them for me, although it probably wouldn't be hard to do so!

I will upload pictures soon and next time I'm at the Dollarama I'll look for the labels again as I already recycled the packaging.

I'm glad I didn't waste my money on that wireless dinovo laptop stand on the dell deals! I just use Synergy as a KVM for my laptop.

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