Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Poser Propaganda!

So I was just reading the article: "Asian Anti-Piracy Campaign Kills Music Stars With Illegal Downloads" and was thinking that this is an interesting idea to solve a problem and that they are taking it to the extreme, kind of like those brutal texting ads(except those situations actually happen!). I wonder what artists think of this campaign? I'm sure if it's making them more money then they couldn't be happier!

Once I left the site, it dawned on me, wait this is incredibly stupid! It's almost insulting actually! If these record companies are implying that artists are actually dying or more importantly will stop making music because they can't afford to live off it anymore, than they aren't really artists or musicians at all, they are just fucking pop acts and rappers!

Here's the bands listed in the article: Madonna, White Stripes, and Amy Winehouse, to Blur, Gorillaz, and Kraftwerk.

Well there ya go!

If a band stops playing because people download their stuff too much then there is no fucking doubt that they are posers, they aren't doing it for the love or passion and/or they can't do it without big daddy studio paying for their autotunes and skank videos.

One day when musicians make literally nothing from their music, someone will find a way to make money from nothing, like the bards of old, and no one will remember the golden days, society will just be different by then.

On a completely unrelated note, I've spent over $900 on concerts this year alone...not including merch sales.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently artists that give away their music for free are yielding a greater total revenue, since more people listen to their music, and hence they monetize through concerts and merchandise, and you've clearly supported.
